Self-Care Action Plan
Take Care of Yourself during the Pandemic
The whole world is in a panic state. Fear mongering is in overdrive and threatens to paralyze the populace into passivity or inaction. Resist the helplessness that is rising. Instead, turn to yourself and make an action plan to stay well.
Taking care of yourself is the most empowering thing you can do. If you are healthy, happy and positive, you not only stay well, but you can also help other people. To have a strong immune system, you need to eat right, stay away from germs, and sleep well, as well as to have peace of mind.
How can one have peace of mind when the media is spreading fear, uncertainty and panic?
It’s a challenge! Here are some recommendations:
• Get very strict with yourself about your intake of news. and media For example, I limit myself to 15 minutes of news via e-mail. I get the highlights and then shut it down and get on with my day.
• Consider a digital diet on the weekends.
• Gently exercise every day. Walk, do an old calisthenics DVD. Yoga is highly recommended.
• Now how about cooking some fine slow meals? Take extra time to plan those gourmet meals and savor.
• Entertainment: Be careful about your intake of action, disaster, and violent movies. You need to calm down… not add more adrenaline to your bloodstream. Watch silly comedy, or old escapist movies instead.
Meditate: If you don't have a meditation practice, this is a very good time to start one. For beginners, 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the evening is suggested. If you already have a meditation practice, make sure it’s an integral part of your routine. Yoga, meditation, and exercise videos can all be found on YouTube.
• Check-in with those you love. Now that Zoom is cool, make it part of your social life. Consider old-fashioned phone calls.
Good luck! Let me know if you have any more ideas.